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Who is chessman?

Long story short, 'chessman' is not me, however I follow in the longstanding, huge, well known and respected footsteps of the man who created 'chessman'. Very well known as Bullion King, Peter started this site and brand in 2021. As well as the site, Peter also kick started the NZ stacking Facebook groups. To some he is regarded as a godfather of the precious metals world in NZ. In mid 2024, Peter handed the reigns across to myself to continue his legacy. Who am I? With out spelling out my name, some know me as maverick85 from Trademe. I left Trademe due to their ever increasing fees which lead to it been nonviable to sell precious metals on their platform. So here I am! As well as running this site, I also appear on the various stacking groups of NZ and Australia. Now why "we stack, they crack"? To explain this statement we have to go back 10 thousand odd years (or more) when gold was first discovered. From the moment gold was discovered it was the choice of kings and queens...and it still is. Across the sands of time, gold is the only currency that has stood the test of time. When fiat came on to the scene it was in the form of gold and silver coins. Then the gold backed system and then the debt based system, where we are now. The notes we hold in our hand have zero tangible value, are devalued day by day and are not easily transferable across the globe. Gold (and now silver to a certain extent) holds it's intrinsic value in itself, is finite, cannot be destroyed, internationally recognised, not tied to any economy, not centrally controlled or owned, non traceable, fast liquidity...and I can go on and on. When Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in the early 70s, fiat lost its way (possibly forever). The banking system (which relies on fiat) requires people to put their hard earned money into their physical protective care. I say physical only for a reason. The bank can not protect it from inflation or the collapse of a currency or economy. HOWEVER, gold (and other precious metals) are in your hands, in your control, and protected against inflation and collapse. It is the ultimate insurance. So if we stack our hard earned money into precious metals rather than the bank...they crack. Plus its shinny, nice to look at and humans are naturally magpies!